E102 | Creating Connection Through Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Neonatal Death with Michelle Tyliakos | Parent Talk

Episode: E102 Creating Connection through Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Termination and Neonatal Death with Michelle Tyliakos.
Guest(s): Michelle Tyliakos, Birth Doula from Crowning Glory Birth
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month and so to help erase the stigma, today on ParentTalk, Geneviève and Heather will be joined by Michelle Tyliakos, Birth Doula from Crowning Glory Birth, to talk about creating connection through miscarriage, stillbirth, termination and neonatal death.
We cover:
• How Michelle became involved in the conversation around pregnancy loss.
• What someone who is or has experienced pregnancy loss may be going through.
• What could be improved for people going through this experience?
• How can we help if we know someone in this situation?
• What is a Full Spectrum Doula?
• What’s next for In Our Hearts and the community.
In Our Hearts- group peer support https://www.facebook.com/inourheartsloss
Individual Peer Support – http://www.crowningglorydoula.ca
Angel Dresses http://angeldressescanada.com
Empty Cradle http://www.emptycradle.bc.ca
Butterfly Run https://www.butterflyrunvancouver.com
Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep https://www.nowilaymedowntosleep.org
Seeking Ceremony- a group of women who make memory boxes on the North Shore https://www.seekingceremony.com