Fluoride Update for your family

Manroop Farraro, Registed Dental Hygienist.

As a mother of a little boy and a practicing dental hygienist in a family dental practice the topic of fluoride toothpaste has never been so important. As our society becomes more and more concerned about what we are ingesting and what ingredients are in our day to day products there is a lot of talk around fluoride toothpaste and children. I started to notice more and more decay in young children because parents were choosing to use natural products and toothpaste without fluoride. Once I had my son this was something that I needed to decide on. Finding a balance between a healthy product that was not loaded with chemicals was my biggest concern. I did want to give my son a fluoride toothpaste after he turned 6 months old because I did not want him to go through early childhood decay. I did some research and was able to locate natural toothpaste with fluoride- Tom's Silly Strawberry Toothpaste  With Fluoride. This product is only available in the US right now and can be purchased on Amazon. In Canada Tom's only had the adult mint flavour with fluoride. Depending on your child and the flavour they choose they are both great options and they only difference is flavour. We try and brush his teeth twice a day morning and night with a tiny rice size amount of toothpaste because he is ingesting it. I am not concerned about him taking in this small amount because in the lower mainland our water here is not fluoridated. In the end we all want what is best for our children and this happened to be my choice based on my education and experience working in dentistry.
